This is possibly my last post as a single lady. For people who know me or knew me, the fact that I am getting married is a funny change of plans. I did profess not long ago, and for quite some time, that I was probably not ever going to marry, and I was satisfied with that. I wasn't chasing any fairytale. I had no idea what my life had in store.
Last Friday marked the three year anniversary of my moms death. So much has changed since then, although I can hardly believe three years have gone by. I'm still incredibly sad, but I am not as grief stricken as I was the first two years, in which I can't remember a day going by that I didn't cry. My sister mentioned that she looses her breath for a moment when she realises mom is gone and she will never get to see her again. I have that same exact feeling. When the first anniversary rolled around and then the second, and even now too, I felt pain not only in her death but also in the passing time. The more time goes by, the more real her death is -- my clinging to the hope that I will awake from this terrible nightmare becomes more obviously delusional and implausible. It's also almost as if I'm allowing the time to go by and in doing so I'm leaving Mom behind. I know this isn't the truth, but it feels like it is. There's a folksy song I listen to when I feel like crying with the lyrics "Sometimes time is nothing more than pain in disguise..." which combats the saying, "time heals all wounds." For me, it's all the same.
The juxtaposition of my wedding euphoria and my grief is difficult to describe -- the word bittersweet isn't intense enough. My wedding is going to be an unforgettably happy day in my life, but dang I'll miss mom!
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