I'm getting old and I can feel it. My elbows are creaky, my muscles achy, and my fingers bony. I take "my pills" every morning. My breath is coffee laced. (When I was four or five I not so subtly told my mom I didn't want to kiss or hug her "because your breath stinks.") I say "pardon?" more often because I can't hear, though I'm extremely sensitive to loud music. I don't understand the appeal to the crap on television these days -- a la Jersey Shore. And I no longer believe elderly are being drama kings and queens when I hear them groan while bending over or standing up, as I now do the same -- unintentionally. If I had a garage, it would start to smell funny.
Lady, please. Your 26. I know, I know, but in all seriousness I can actually feel that my body has aged. I'm not whining, merely observing and slightly lamenting. I'd much rather be almost 30 than an insecure teenager, although back then I could do the splits every way without flinching in pain, and I could touch my nose to my knees while resting hands behind my ankles. In my youth I found yoga an easy excuse for exercise: what's so hard about bending your body? And I didn't appreciate the concept of "warming up" before running because I didn't need to. Now it takes me a solid 20 minutes of jogging before I feel like I can run harder without breaking a leg.
Today I stretched for the first time in weeks, which made me realize how inflexible I'm becoming and reminded me to stretch more often. I've decided, in self improvement efforts, I'm going to take up yoga. I always wanted to be a calm soul peacefully meditating while crossing my legs every which way, but the truth is that I found yoga all too boring because I was far too skittish. In past attempts, I spent the majority of class looking around the room at everyone else when I should have focused on breathing with my eyes closed. My breathing is involuntary; I don't need to focus. That said, now that I'm older, hopefully I can sit still, because I'm craving to start something new and beneficial...in my old age. ; D
Yeah haven't you heard? being on your twenties is the new 80s, haha. And im close to 90 now, but my hands are still good for playing video games. Well if it makes you feel any better my bebita I have never been able to get my shin in any vicinity near my knees. Hahaha.