Friday, August 24, 2012

This is going to be a neurotic stream of conscience blog, so don't hate. My grammar will be terrible. Come to think of it, my grammar sucks even when I have a chance to fix my mistakes. I never really formally learned all the rules. I know, it's like, "Girl, you best learn you some grammar quick." It's on my to do list...

I have a fantasy for a place I'd like to attend. Perhaps this exists. If not, perhaps some day -- in my next life when I'm ambitious -- I'll open it myself. I want a Reading Room. A place to go that is quiet. Ambient background music is OK if it's not too corny. But absolutely no talking or cell phones. It's a place where we come to sit in one another's presence while not acknowledging so with words.We go, we sit, we read. Nothing is for sale except the entry to the quiet space, so as to keep the place running. Maybe, to avoid social interaction, you have to place your coins or bills in the door to get it to open. (We'll work on the details later). There are comfy couches. There are bookshelves filled with books and magazines. Perhaps complimentary coffee, but nothing too distracting. Nothing that'll leave crumbs or the possibility for someone to chew annoyingly. Loud eaters are like babies -- who needs 'em? Just kidding -- at first I wrote, "Loud eaters are the worst," and I realized how annoying that sort of hyperbole is, so I had to make it even more ridiculous. I love cute babies from afar, OK?

The goal is quiet.

I work in a library. It's never quiet. Even where its supposed to be quiet, by rule, quiet is impossible to achieve even when the rule is enforced. I understand. People have shit to do. Shit requires talking and calling and getting pissed off and yelling and seeing your friend then getting so excited you scream bloody murder and all that jazz. Other people are just naturally annoying, loud, and inconsiderate. Whatever, I don't care. I don't hate them for their degeneracy, though boil my blood they do. I accept that the ideal for quiet is impossible to come by, but I am willing to pay a price if I am guaranteed to not have anyone say a word, breath too loudly, or let her cell phone ring incessantly for an hour straight. OK?? OK??? (I am not yelling out loud, I am screaming in my head. ALL DAY LONG.)

Also, I want my Reading Room to by cute and cozy, which most libraries actually aren't because cute and cozy cost money. So we're gonna need a benefactor...Which reminds me, Eugenio is applying for jobs right now. This time next year, he'll be gettin' paper, as they say (ugh, I loathe Chris Brown). OMG! He can be our benefactor, guys! (I'm assuming you've agreed to be my business partners). Eugenio, not Chris (we're all on a first name basis). 

In case you can't tell I am really neurotic about quiet. I also love the great indoors. Stay at home? No, the point is I want to get away to sit in silence. It makes a lot of sense to me, but I can see where it comes across as an example of the hilarious backwardness of our times. Like people who spend a shit ton of money on bottled water each year when they could quite easily dip their cups in the toilet and get hydrated all the same. I get how privileged and whiny wanting a quiet sitting space sounds. I know it. But you know what, I  would also love to work in the Reading Room as its only employee.My ideal job is one in which nobody says anything ever and I can read books. Don't take me seriously, in case I need to get a job from you in the future, in which case  -- people are my favorite! Always!: )

I can't be the only one. Don't steal my Reading Room idea, k. Unless someone already stole it from me. (A quick Google search would solve this mystery, but I don't have that kind of wherewithal right now). Actually, steal it again and make it right now with really big comfy sofas and couches with the most awesome bookcase pornography incarnate ever. Thank you.

Necessity is the motherfucking invention....that's how is goes, right? I drank a lot of coffee at lunch.  I like to read at lunch while trying to catch up on some quiet time, which also doesn't happen, even when I lock myself in a "quiet study room." The guy who occupied the quiet room next to mine apparently wanted a quiet room in order to hear his voice echo throughout the walls as he yelled into his walky-talky. Oh, that was a cell phone? Why was he yelling? Whatever, I don't care. It's his prerogative. Again, I will pay a bit of cash for an honest to goodness quiet room.

I think I made my point. I'm fine. I'm not as annoyed as I feel I appear. I could go on tangents for days, but I have to get back to working. Gotta go remind people that this is a quiet room. Lolz.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A response I actually submitted to a magazine site during my lunch break at work because I just can't help myself (and I am a very lonely person):


Hide yo' kids. Hide yo' wife. The Holidays are coming.

Every year come October, I head for the underground bunker I built for when The Holidays come. I run 20 miles a day on a treadmill while blasting Destiny's Child.  I'm a survivor. I'm not gon give up. I'm not gon stop. I'm gon work harder. It's my holiday jam. After strength training, I lay in a tanning bed each day for 10 minutes to keep my healthy looking glow. I then inject myself with botox once a month to keep the wrinkles and expressions from all the sadness at bay. When I think of fudge or family or people smiling, I remind myself that I must be strong; only the strong survive. Once all the cookies,  gingerbread, and holiday colored m&ms are gone, I come out of the bunker, nary an uncounted, savory calorie on my person. There you have it -- my secret. How I survive. You're welcome.

Some people survive war, famine, disease, poverty....but let us prepare for the cookie apocalypse.