Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"I would help you but I have to play," Eugenio said last night. He was really sincere about it too, which made me laugh. He then added, "but I'll rub your back when we watch the movie." I wasn't expecting his help anyway. We never assembly line the dish situation.

Last week on his day to do the dishes he was also on call. After eating, he looked at me and said, "I have some business to attend and then I will do the dishes." I knew he said this to assuage my inevitable seething over the lingering dishes, and I felt slightly guilty that he felt the need to explain this while he had work to do. I'm not that mean, gosh.

"Don't worry. Since you're on call tonight, I'll do the dishes."

He smiled, kissed me, then walked away to get down to business. 

Five minutes later I turned around and noticed, to my amusement, that the business he had to attend was playing his video game. I appreciate sly moves. I motioned for him to take off his headphones.

"Hey! I thought you had work to do. Like, you had to call some patients back." 

"No, I already did that earlier," he explained quickly before returning his attention to the screen.

I have some business to attend. 

I would help you but I have to play. (No longer mincing words.)

Writing these down to use later....

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