Saturday, July 20, 2013

So you want to hear all about my labor and delivery? Every last detail? How my vagina is fairing? No?

I was obsessed with reading birth stories when I was with child and then not at all when she was no longer squirming inside of me. I made a note to self to maybe not share the expulsion of my baby with the Internet. So here's a photo rendition instead! 

Last belly shot, 38 weeks and 3 days. I really wanted that shirt at Target and figured I'd go back post baby. HA HA! There's no way I can shove my chest into that now.

Like a million hours into labor, Eugenio asked to take a picture, to which I said hell to the no. "Your sister said you'll regret it later." I don't think I'd be terribly sad without this precious moment, but OK.

Felicity's first photo. She was so swollen but I was relieved that she was cute. Imagine over twodays of labor for an ugly baby. No thank you. 

The one second I got to hold her before she was taken away for two hours for observation. She had fluid in her lungs. I was mischievous and snuck up to see her anyway. A cool nurse let me feed her, as she was sticking out her tongue in obvious hunger. 


After I fed her. Eugenio was so excited to hold his baby. Swoon. 

My content babay, still a little swollen.

Going home outfit. On our way out people kept asking if she was a boy. Ladybug, hello. People always comment on what a handsome boy she is, even when she's all decked out in pink pants, heals, lipstick, all that. That's fine. I'm not about instilling gender norms anyhow.

At home in her crib. MTV just left after filming. She was tired. 

When she saw my engorged breasts for the first time. "Oooohhh chile', them is some big titties." We're working on her grammar.

One week. She gets my jokes.

And some more cute pictures and then I'll stop. Maybe a look-at-my-baby! photo post is even worse than providing the details of her expulsion. Whatever. I'll delete it later. Pictures, pictures! 

Felicity will be two months on Tuesday. We're already planning her Halloween costume. I'm a mom now. How bizarre. It seems as if I've forgotten how to write. Typing on my iPhone is really a pain in the ass. I hope you enjoyed this picture post.

OK, bye. Until another nursing session.


  1. Ah I can't get over how precious and gorgeous Felicity is! She was sooooo tiny!

    You keep mentioning how big your tits are so now I'm curious to see them, in a non perv way. I've never had boobs, so I'm looking forward to that part when the time comes for me to breed. :) I'm gonna be flaunting those suckers every chance I get!

  2. Elle, I literally cried when my milk came in. Eugenio didn't know what to do! I've always hated my chest, since middle school, and then it got so much worse. Thankfully the size went down quite a bit from when I was first engorged. Funny how everyone wants what they don't have. I'm getting a breast reduction when I'm done nursing. It's my push present. : D I'll send 'em to you!

  3. How funny we are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. In high school I noticed that the jewels and beads from the center of my swim suit top stuck out more than my boobs did. And I've always avoided buying really padded bras because I felt that was false advertisement lol. I figure after I have kids if I go back to having no boobs again, I'll get breast implants! The smallest size they have, something normal looking like Kelly Rowland from Destiny's Child. Maybe we can go to the plastic surgeon together and we can get some implant/reduction duo special.

  4. "false advertisement," "something normal looking like Kelly Rowland from Destiny's Child" -- LOL! You are so funny.
