Sunday, December 23, 2012

A patron recently called to ask me the author of a book she caught her niece reading. "They're into weird stuff, alternative universes and what not. Her mother lets her read that stuff too." It was a Deen Koontz novel; I let her know, assuming she'd be relieved. I mean, right? At least she's reading. She thanked me adding, "I research these authors. Most people don't, but I do. That Harry Potter author, she's a witch you know."

I answered by blinking my eyes.

She continued. "I read a 23 page report, it's true. A witch. No wonder these kids turn out so demented."

"OK, well is there anything else I can research for you?"

"Oh, I bet you're into that stuff too. Sorry if I offended you. Bye." Click. Ugh, muggles.

So it's all J.K. Rowling's fault.

I'm on my last 65 minutes of work before a 10 day break. Thank gawd.

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