Monday, December 24, 2012

Last night I had my first stranger comment on my pregnancy. As I was paying for sandwiches (have I mentioned my love of Which Wich, yet? Oh, I will. It deserves its own post), the twenty something cashier asks, "How's the baby?"  I looked up at him with a mix of disbelief and joy. My coworkers who know -- no one in my department yet -- keep telling me I don't look pregnant. One thinks I'm punking everyone. When she saw my Facebook post she didn't believe me. "I thought, that's just some weird joke she's posting." What the hell kind of impression have I made that people assume that an ultrasound picture of a real life fetus growing inside of me can't be real? I wouldn't joke about that, Jesus.

The cashier's face grew red. "Oh, the baby? It's good," I finally said, fighting the urge to mess with him. What baby?

"The moment that came out of my mouth, I regretted it. I'm glad I wasn't wrong."

"No worries, there's a baby in here. I was just surprised because you're the first person to notice, or more like, the first person to mention it."

His female co-worker looked at him with incredulous amusement, "You're not supposed to say anything!"

So my uterus is finally jutting out. We think it's a boy. I've named him Nikolai, though Eugenio won't have any of that. We find out officially in a couple of weeks.

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