If Eugenio doesn't know about something, he quickly dismisses it with, "Well, we don't have that in Mexico" or "In Mexico...."
I sent my sister the baby shower address list that I've been working on for the past few days, and now he chimes in with his suggestions. "Oh we should invite so and so and so and so."
"I already sent Molly the list. If you want to invite them, I need their addresses soon."
"Just send them that email you made."
"That's just a save-the-date Evite."
"That's fine. They don't need an invitation."
"But it says, "invitation to follow." They'll be expecting an invitation."
"Bah! Whatever. They won't know. We don't have that in Mexico."
"Just because you've never seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Until five minutes ago, you didn't know what fresh spinach was. I guarantee you there's spinach in Mexico."
A few weeks ago he came out with this gem as we argued about whether or not I was eating an orange: "Well in Mexico the oranges only have four slices." I know what he's thinking: Boom. End of discussion. Yeah, OK.
I feel guilty relaying these tales considering he's out buying me a McFlurry. To be fair, I don't know anything. And I didn't get the phrase "birthday suit" until about two years ago. I always thought it was like, he's so happy it's his birthday, he's going to go naked. Then at the tender age of 26 I finally understood -- birth day, when you come into the world naked. OOOOOHHHHHHHHH. HA HA!
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