Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Learning from mistakes

As they say, you learn something new everyday. Everyday I learn a bit more Spanish thanks to my fiance who bought me the Rosetta Stone. The entire month of July I'm sure Eugenio wondered what the hell he was thinking by moving in with me, considering the depression I exuded everyday mostly over not having a job. I didn't just feel it -- I sulked,whined, and wondered allowed "what is wrong with me ?!" So embarrassing. I still don't have a job -- or know what's wrong with me -- but I've learned to enjoy the unemployed life of sleeping in, reading novels, "writing my novel", and learning espanol. When Eugenio comes home from work I speak to him in Spanish, so he can marvel at and correct me. I try to come up with cute things to say with what I've learned like, "Tu pedos huelan muy mal." Your farts smell very bad...I think. I realized sometimes I would say things incorrectly and he wouldn't correct me, but rather practically pat me on the head and say "muy bien!" I always ask "was that right?" or "does that make sense?" I will only learn if he points out my mistakes.

Perhaps the biggest mistake I've made was moving to Orlando with mi amor in the first place, when I didn't yet have a job. I left two enjoyable-in-many-aspects jobs in Austin for a sweaty city, where the people are not as nice, the weather sucks and so do the job opportunities. Nonetheless, I've learned that lesson but it's a moot point. I wouldn't have it any other way. Living with Eugenio is the best, despite the weather and my job situation. I should have known in our first awkward phone conversation when he told me about a patients black poop that we are perfect for one another. He loves talking about bodily functions more than I do!

At the moment I am home alone, as Eugenio is driving to the restaurant we ate at yesterday after his board exam to pick up the credit card he left. I've never known him to forget anything -- except something "I just said!" -- so I hope my carelessness isn't wearing off on him. I'm known to loose keys, phones, and to forget my expensive engagement ring in hotels that are miles and miles away. At any rate, that's what he's doing, and I am here alone per usual. I say that, but I am not lonely these days, although I do find myself waiting for him-to-come-home all the time. It doesn't bother me, again, now that I've learned to enjoy this unemployment while it lasts (hopefully not too long).

Though not lonely, I have a lot of important sometimes philosophical things to say at any given moment with no one to express them to. It's a shame. Like today, I decided to add boxed wine (specifically Chardonnay) to the list of 'products not to buy just because they are so cheap,' right next to generic tampons, which, if you haven't the pleasure of saving a few pennies on, these feel simply like a piece of bark up your... I haven't tried the latter, but using generic tampons is what I imagine it feels like.

I will only learn if I acknowledge my mistakes, lest I go to the grocery store and buy cheap boxed wine and tampons again just because I'm sad and thirsty and "Aunt Flo" is coming.


  1. Banana! Starting a blog is a brilliant idea! I'm happy you're trying to enjoy your unemployment. I wish I too was unemployed reading fun novels with you :) MISS you bunches!


    ps. Having only cyber friends does not take away even an ounce of your fabulosity. I predict, in the near future, Orlando will feel like home and you'll have sooooo many new friends and many job offers you will not know what to do with your self ;)

  2. I love the blog! I completely agree with Saghar that you will soon be overwhelmed with job offers and friends. Soon you will be so busy the blog posts will dwindle to three sentences about how you don't have time for cyber friends. ;)

    Seriously though, sometimes, our relationships (romantic and not) guide us onto new paths that might not be what we expected. That's part of this exciting adventure. Revel in it! When you look back, I'm sure you won't regret a thing. If anything, this is like a clean slate - lucky you! Starting fresh, adventure awaits!

  3. hilarious! You're a very good writer but I'm totally out of the loop: You lost your engagement ring?

  4. @ Saghar: I miss you bunches too! You have no idea. Hearing from a resident doctor is a good reminder to not to complain about being unemployed! Thanks for the encouraging words. There will certainly be a blog about my new job once I have it. Where are you working?!

    @ Nicole: I vow to still make time to blog even when/if I get friends and a job. Probably easier said than done, I know.

    I love and totally agree with what you say. I love the idea of a clean slate -- great perspective. I should say that I'm lucky that I'm in a new city without a job. I've been needing to do something new, so here I am.

    @Sarah -- When we first moved to Orlando from San Antonio, I accidentally left my wedding ring in a La Quinta hotel room bathroom in Tallahasse. We were over an hour away and over an hour closer to our final desinitation when I realized this fact. I had to call Eugenio on the walky talky he gave me to say "Um. You're going to kill me." His parents stayed at a gas station while we drove back to the hotel together to get it. Thankfully, the manager found it for me and kept it waiting in a concealed package at the front desk.

    That was the second time I've left my ring at a sink. And the last!
