Sunday, March 3, 2013

It is my birthday. This is on the table but I have instructions not to open the gifts until I get home from work tonight, so Eugenio can be there too. He left for work at 7. So far it's been a great day. I slept a full 8 hours. Sleeping through the night after days of not doing so is such a cosy relief. 

I drifted to sleep last night around 11 after Eugenio left to go to the hospital to see a patient. He was just about to finally get into bed too. He's been on call this weekend and it's been busy. On top of having to be there every morning by 7:30, he takes calls all through the day and night, ensuring that he gets little sleep. He never complains. He's a hard worker, very concerned about his patients, doesn't sleep because of it, obsesses over their charts, goes to the hospital late in the night to see them when other doctors probably wouldn't.

I have no idea when he had time to get my gifts and I feel unworthy. I was just looking forward to eating a 10 inch sandwich from Which Wich and crunching on the pellet ice that they have afterwards.

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