Saturday, August 3, 2013

"I live [sic] and adore children, especially babies. They are so small, like little aliens." - A response I received when asking one of our applicants if she had experience with and if she was comfortable caring for young babies.

We're currently looking for a babysitter to help out when I have doctor's appointments and for occasional date nights. Not knowing a single soul in this city, it's a bit rough -- the process of finding a caregiver and making do without one. My gyno appointment was an embarrassment. The office staff had to take turns babysitting Felicity while I urinated in a cup and had an exam. I have two follow up ultrasounds soon and they politely hinted that I should bring someone to help me with the baby, as if I wasn't aware of the hassle I created. I said, "Yes, of course. I apologize. We just moved here and I haven't been able to find a sitter yet." 

I've started the process searching online. I used to work as a sort of head hunter for sitters and nannies as my first job out of college. I know the questions to ask and standards to set, but it's a completely different feeling when it's your own kid. I'd be so much better at that job now that I have this perspective. That said, I might have to have this woman who referred to babies as aliens help me next week at my appointment. 

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