Friday, April 13, 2012

 After two insomniac nights, I finally got sleep. I put my oily little head in the pillow at midnight, fell asleep, had some dreamy dreams, woke up at 7:28, patted Neno's cute and also oily head, and then my alarm went off signaling the start of the race to crazy town. I'm aware that I'm an annoying ass morning person, not the sort who waxes optimistic while wishing everyone a "Goodmorning!" but more like someone abusing methamphetamine -- which is also how I look. I've always been that way after some zzz's. I remember calling a friend in 5th grade after waking from a summer nap and singing Tomorrow at the top of my lungs on her answering machine. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow!" She called me later to say her grandmother heard my message live and thinks I'm crazy. Couldn't argue with that. I typically capture that energy burst and deplete it for the day by running in place on a treadmill first thing in the morning, but today I didn't run. Clearly the energy still needed to be expended. Luckily Eugenio knows to appreciate the minutes when I'm not being a whiny little bitch, so he just smiles politely while I sing songy songs, dance dancy dances, make up stupid cutesy words, speak in rap, and talk to myself in different voices, telling him that "this an A and B conversation so C your way out of it" when he mistakenly assumes I'm talking to him while we share the mirror, bumping elbows in our cardboard box of a bathroom.

Talking in rap is one of my favorite things. Pick a phrase from a song and insert it into a conversation in a normal tone and pace. Today I felt like telling Eugenio cheerfully as we showered in the nude, "Calabaza, you don't need a bus pass. You need to bust your ass. Right?"

I had so much fun getting ready this morning because I had energy because I got sleep. I'm going to try to keep my hyper momentum going through out the day so maybe work won't suck so bad. I imagine life is brighter when you're unusually hyper, have no concern for how annoying you are, and just laugh, laugh, laugh at how pissy everyone else is. Meh, more than likely I'll lose my energy for chipperness after lunch and go back to sulking silently to myself, taking it as a passive aggressive insult if someone acts a tad too happy because that sounds about the way it works.

Maybe she won't, but shit then again maybe she will....


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