Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy two months to the real royal baby, princess poopy pants.

She had her two month check up today where she received her first vaccinations. That was that. You know, a baby getting shots. She's now a little over 11 pounds, and slowly resembling the late, great James Gandolfini: 

Sorry, baby. I love the extreme close-up double baby chin photos. Here's a more flattering angle, saying hi to daddy in the morning: 

Now we're home from the doctor's office, which was a major hassle and small victory on my part. Getting ready and out the door with a small, dependent, hungry, poopy, tired baby is something I'm still figuring out. 


  1. AHHHHH! Look at those lips!! She's the most beautiful baby ever!!

  2. She's already changed so much. It's fun watching her morph.
